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What to Expect at 6 Month Pregnancy?: A Comprehensive Guide!

Congratulations on making to 6 month pregnancy. But the journey still continues! Read on to learn what to expect during this phase.

8 min read
What to Expect at 6 Month Pregnancy?: A Comprehensive Guide!

Congratulations! You have completed the five months of pregnancy. If you are wondering, the 6th month starts from which week, let us tell you it starts from the 23rd week and lasts till the 26th week. Concerns about 6 month fetus weight and what to eat in the 6th month of pregnancy and many more queries and questions keep popping into your mind, and we are here to answer everything from 6 months pregnancy symptoms to 6-months pregnant belly size and baby development during the same month.

6 Months Pregnant Symptoms

1. Heartburn

You may experience heartburn in the 6th-month of pregnancy. The pregnancy hormones relieve the valve connecting the stomach to the oesophagus. As a result, stomach acids escape into the oesophagus, giving an unpleasant burning feeling. If heartburn worries you, eat six small meals a day. Avoid spicy or fried foods, citrusy items, and chocolate.

2. Constipation

Constipation is a common issue during pregnancy. In the first trimester, hormonal changes interfere with digestion by fatiguing the muscles around the intestine. In the later months, as the uterus grows, it puts pressure on the bowels and causes indigestion. Exercising regularly, drinking enough water, juices, and other fluids, and eating fibre-rich foods can help deal with constipation.

3. Snoring

A 6-month pregnant woman may snore, and it is alright. An increase in weight results in swelling of the neck, head tissues and mucous membranes, resulting in snoring. Use nasal strips when sleeping to improve breathing.

4. Cramping in Legs

Many women experience leg cramps at this stage of pregnancy. However, there are no hormonal or other bodily changes that result in leg cramping. You can deal with leg cramps by staying hydrated, exercising regularly and massaging your legs and calf muscles.

5. Increased Hunger and Cravings

Towards the end of the second trimester, the baby’s organs start to develop. It results in raised demand for nutrients and vitamins. Thus, you will feel more hungry around this time. Consume wisely and avoid junk food. Keep reading to find out what to eat in 6-month pregnancy.

Sixth Month of Pregnancy Effects on Mother

By the sixth month of pregnancy, most of the first and second-trimester symptoms are gone. 6 months pregnant belly size is noticeable and the foetus’ movements are visible every time it moves. At this stage, the mom-to-be experiences various physical and emotional changes. Some of them are as follows:

1. Physical Changes

  • The breasts have grown up to three times their regular size.
  • The areolas have grown wider and darker.
  • The linea nigra becomes more visible as the melanin in the area has increased.
  • The increase in blood volume lowers the ratio of red blood cells in the blood; thus, the iron level goes down, resulting in anaemia.
  • The to-be mother may feel fatigued and may complain of nausea and headache.
  • The urge to use the washroom more often increases.

Besides the above, back pain and changes in skin and hair are also normal. Regular blood pressure checks will be mandatory. Your doctor may ask for a urine sample at your visit. If you didn't have an oral glucose tolerance test yet to check for gestational diabetes, you would most likely be asked to get it done during the 6th month.

2. Emotional Changes

  • Mood Swings
  • Feeling tearful
  • Getting easily irritated

If you have a healthy pregnancy, you will likely not have another ultrasound after your 20-week scan of the 6-month foetus weight unless you specifically request it. If you are at risk for health issues like high blood pressure or having a low birth weight baby, you can opt for extra tests done for genetic screening.

How is your Baby Developing this Month?

We have listed a few milestones of your baby's development in the 6th month.

  • The baby's eyelids are still closed, but the little eyeballs are moving behind them.
  • When your baby is awake, they may move in response to audible noises or your voice.
  • The development of the five senses enables the baby to touch, listen, taste, see, and smell. The baby touches various sections of its body and the uterine walls. They ingest amniotic fluid while establishing taste buds and hearing and differentiating sounds.
  • The baby's fingerprints and toe prints are framed.
  • The baby’s skin is still wrinkled and delicate.
  • Baby can make a variety of facial motions, such as sticking out its tongue, yawning, grinning, and so on.

Twins at 6 Months

Twins share a special bond both after birth and inside the womb. As some twins may share the same placenta, there may be a difference in their growth compared to the only baby at six months. Many twin pregnancies track the same growth course as a single pregnancy, with both babies reaching around 10 inches long and weighing 900 grams to 1 kilogram. It might be a little tough to manage 6-month pregnancy stomach pain while carrying twins, but in the end, it is all soothing, seeing two babies in your arms.

There are chances that one of the twins grows at a much slower rate than the other. It is known as TTTS (twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome) or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Both conditions are distinctive, and the only way to detect these is by ultrasound.

6 Month Pregnancy Baby Weight

A 6-month foetus' weight should be ideally around 907 grams. It should grow up to approx 10-12 inches.

If you happen to deliver a premature baby by the end of the 6th-month, they may survive in the intensive care unit if they have the above-mentioned height and weight.

Your Baby Bump at 6 Months

6-months pregnant belly size is evidence that soon you are going to be a Mommy. It is high time to change your wardrobe and buy maternity apparel. At this stage, varicose veins are visible from your belly button.

Do not worry if your 6-month baby bump looks like a full-term baby bump. It is normal. Your earlier health records, weight, and anatomy, with the number of pregnancies you had, are responsible for your baby bump's size. Still, if the portion of the weight you are acquiring (or not) concerns you, pursue expert advice from your gynaecologist.

Position of Baby at 23 Weeks in Womb

You may now be thinking about a 6 months pregnant baby position. In the 6th-month of pregnancy, you and your baby will undergo many notable developments. As birth is yet not too near, your baby is not yet in its delivery position. Their head is near your diaphragm while the legs are underneath the uterus. Since the baby is still not too big, they can change their position during the day.

How to Have a Healthy Baby in the Womb?

It is a matter of concern to every pregnant lady - how to have a healthy baby in the womb?

All the primary organs develop between 15 to 60 days of pregnancy (during the first trimester). The foetus is most weak to the effects of teratogens (substances that cause physical or functional damage) at this time. There may be congenital cardiac abnormalities that can only be discovered by specialised diagnostic tests. Genetics is another factor responsible for birth abnormalities. While there is no certain mode to avoid birth abnormalities, there are several things you can do to have a healthy baby in the womb -

  • Eat wisely and healthy.
  • Drink enough water, juices, and fluids.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Exercise or walk regularly.
  • Take prenatal medicines on time.
  • Take no stress.
  • Sleep for 7-8 hours daily.
  • Choose the right age to get pregnant.
  • Practice yoga and meditation.

What to Eat in 6 Month Pregnancy?

Food is the second most vital thing for foetus development. The first is (of course) a healthy mother. Being 6-month pregnant, you should choose the food that you can consume. Here is a quick look at what to eat during 6 Months of Pregnancy-

  • Prefer freshly prepared home-cooked meals.
  • Include green leafy vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole-grain meals in your diet to confirm a constant supply of nutrients and minerals.
  • Include apricots, cherries, guava, grapes, berries, apple, mango, and pineapple. These are rich in antioxidants and minerals.
  • Include carrots, beets, spinach, pumpkins, tomatoes, onions, celery, broccoli, and other vegetables in your diet.
  • Ensure a regular supply of folic acid, iron, and calcium, as the baby requires these nutrients to develop. You can eat leafy greens, beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains, ragi, and dairy products to increase your intake of folic acid, iron, and calcium.

6-Month Pregnancy Checklist

There is still a trimester left for the baby's arrival. Spending some time tick marking on the below checklist will be a fun and relaxing activity for a mommy-to-be.

  • Plan your baby shower.
  • Study childcare alternatives. The next three months will fly by, so skimming into childcare alternatives now will assist you in taking care of other jobs later. E.g., Getting a babysitter and training them well in advance of rejoining your work.
  • Think of your would-be baby’s name! Note them down by segregating them into alphabets.
  • Apply for maternity leave. Fixing up your maternity leave nicely in advance guarantees a smooth shift away from, and back to work.
  • Join some meditation and maternity yoga classes.

Handy Tips for Dad-to-be

After unveiling the pregnancy news, everyone's attention is drawn to the would-be-mommy. But, we must also understand the would-be father's wonderful emotions. He plays an equally important role. Here are a few handy tips for dad-to-be:

  • Try to make a physical bond. Hold the baby’s fingers.
  • Understand the baby’s cues for sleep and hunger.
  • Spend time with the baby by putting them to sleep, bathing them, feeding them through bottles, playing and taking the baby for a walk.
  • Pay attention to the baby's needs in the mother's absence or when mommy is sleeping or cooking.
  • Talk or sing to the baby.
  • Give the baby a massage.

When to See a Doctor

You must pay attention to every sign your body gives throughout your pregnancy. By the 6-months of pregnancy, you are now near the baby's delivery. Any ignorance can be a severe issue. Go through the checklist to understand when to see a doctor in the 6th month of pregnancy.

  • Feel bleeding through the vagina
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Fever for more than two days
  • Continuous vomiting
  • Back or abdominal ache
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dehydration
  • Slower or no foetal movement
  • Any new spotting or cramping
  • Any differences in your existing symptoms

Summing Up on 6 Month Pregnancy

The sixth month of pregnancy is the comfortable and gustier month. You have passed two trimesters, and the final trimester is yet to begin. Keep in mind these things for the next trimester -

  • Eat healthily, and stay hydrated.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Indulge yourself in activities that amuse you. Stay Happy.
  • Plan your upcoming months.
  • Visit the doctor for regular check-ups and take the medication timely.
  • Avoid going to crowded places.
  • Keep a record of the baby's movements.


6 Month Starts From Which Week?

6-month pregnancy starts from the 23rd week and lasts until the 27th week of pregnancy.

What Does 6 Month Pregnancy Stomach Pain Mean?

Some women may experience Braxton-Hick contractions in the 6th month of pregnancy. They may sense painless compressions of the uterus and feel it as 6-month pregnancy stomach pain. Though there is nothing to worry about, this is the uterus's way of rehearsing childbirth. Braxton-Hicks contractions are usual and not a symptom of premature labour.

Does the Baby Kick at 6 Months?

No, the baby doesn't kick in the 6th month of pregnancy. Though, the baby changes its position often. There is no need to count the baby's kicks until the 28th week of pregnancy. But you should be attentive to its motion and take note of the moments when the baby moves most.

Who Kicks More - Boy or Girl?

According to a study, boys make more movements in the womb than girls. Boys make more leg movements than girls in the 20th, 34th, and 37th weeks of the pregnancy.



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