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Anteverted Uterus: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

3 min read
Anteverted Uterus: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

What is an Anteverted Uterus?

The uterus is a reproductive organ involved in the menstruation cycles and holds your baby throughout pregnancy. The uterus, like other parts of your body, can be of different shapes and sizes. If a doctor diagnoses you with an anteverted uterus, it implies your uterus tilts forward at the cervix toward your abdomen.

With an anteverted uterus, there is a prevalent belief that menstrual periods and pregnancy can get complicated. However, having an anteverted uterus is common and has no bearing on a woman's ability to conceive.

Is Anteverted Uterus good or bad?

It is considered normal to have an anteverted uterus. It indicates that the uterus is slanted. It has no impact on your sexual life, capacity to conceive, or general health. Therefore, you must not worry about having an anteverted uterus. Consult a doctor, if required.

Causes of Anteverted Uterus

An anteverted uterus is a condition that many women are born with. It's simply the shape of their uterus. Some of the causes are as follows:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth can alter the shape of your uterus, causing it to become more anteverted in some cases.
  • An excessive tilt can occur in rare cases when scar tissue develops due to previous surgery or a condition known as endometriosis.  In endometriosis, the tissue that lines your uterus grows on the outside of the organ.
  • Women who have a caesarean delivery may be more prone to develop uterine tilt.

Symptoms of Anteverted Uterus

An anteverted uterus has no apparent symptoms. However, you may notice the following symptoms in some rare circumstances where the problem is severe, and the uterus is tilted excessively:

  • Abdominal pain during menstruation.
  • Menstruation causes constant back pain.
  • Constipation before or during your period.
  • A foul-smelling discharge during menstrual periods.
  • Pain in the ovarian region during ovulation.

How is the Anteverted Uterus condition diagnosed?

To assess if your uterus tilts forward, your doctor may perform a pelvic exam, an ultrasound, or both.

For the pelvic exam, an expert clinician examines the uterus, pelvic region, ovaries, and abdomen to find out whether or not the uterus is tilted.

An ultrasound may also help determine if the uterus is tilted by analysing the images on the screen.

Treatment Options for an Anteverted Uterus

Since, no treatment is necessary for an anteverted uterus, there are no therapeutic alternatives accessible.

Although therapy is not required, you can take the following steps to ensure a happy and healthy life. However, because the activities listed below may not work for all women and results cannot be guaranteed, they should only be attempted after consulting a professional.

1) Relax the Pelvis

  • Lay flat on a mat with your back to the floor and your arms by your sides.
  • Take a deep steady breath and slowly lift your hips roughly an inch off the floor.
  • Hold this position for about 5 seconds before slowly exhaling and returning to your usual comfortable position.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 times.

2) Knee to Chest Exercise

  • Lie flat on your back on a mat with your knees bent.
  • Slowly raise one of your knees and bring it close to your chest using both hands.
  • Now, hold this position for 10 seconds before returning your foot to its bent position.
  • Carry on with the opposite knee in the same manner.

Anteverted Position of Uterus

The uterus can naturally lie in anteverted/retroverted, anteflexed/retroflexed, or midline positions, and it can also be rotated (especially during pregnancy). In 50% of women, the uterus is positioned in an anteflexed and anteverted position.

Nevertheless, even if there are no severe complications, it is highly recommended to see a gynaecologist.

Can you get pregnant with an Anteverted Uterus?

It’s often believed a woman with an anteverted uterus can not conceive. Recent developments, on the other hand, suggest differently. The position of a woman’s uterus has nothing to do with her fertility. The sperm’s journey through the uterus and the subsequent fertilisation process is not affected by the uterus' orientation.

However, if a woman is pregnant and her uterus is tilted beyond a particular point, she may experience pain and discomfort during urination.

If a pregnant woman has an anteverted uterus, she should see a gynaecologist if she experiences severe back discomfort or abdominal irritation.

Also Read: Side Effects of Uterus Removal Surgery (Hysterectomy): Everything to Know

Does an Anteverted Uterus Affect Fertility?

It was believed that the shape or tilt of your uterus can impair your ability to conceive. But, the position of the uterus has little effect on the capacity of sperm to reach an egg. However, a highly tilted uterus may, in rare situations, obstruct this process.

How to get pregnant faster with Anteverted Uterus?

With an anteverted uterus, the woman must get an early pregnancy check-up or a uterine examination in all circumstances. These will provide you with a clear picture of the state of the anteverted uterus and any difficulties that may be caused as a result.

The process will help you figure out a way to conceive quickly and benefit you during the course of your pregnancy.







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