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Is Corn Good for Weight Loss? Evidence-based and backed by Dietitians

Are you fond of eating corn and wondering if it can be included in your weight loss diet? Read ahead to know more.

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Is Corn Good for Weight Loss? Evidence-based and backed by Dietitians

Is Corn Good for Weight Loss?

If we add corn to our daily diets, it can have numerous health benefits like improved vision and reduction of macular degeneration. However, did you know that corn has tremendous effects on weight loss?

Corn’s high fibre and nutritionally-rich composition make it highly good for weight loss. Here are some reasons why you should consider adding corn to your weight-loss regime:

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1. High Protein Yet Easy to Digest

Thanks to the high fibre properties of corn, it proves to be a fantastic grain for aiding weight loss. The fibre content of corn helps in digestion which further facilitates weight reduction. Corn is very rich in antioxidants that help in improving metabolism.

2. High Fibre Content

Moreover, corn is pretty high in fibre and carbs; it is well packed with minerals and vitamins. Additionally, it is relatively low in fats and complex proteins.

3. Simple to Cook and Eat as a Snack

Roasted corn, popcorn without butter, boiled corn, or chargrilled corn are excellent options to include as your snacks or in your salads and meals during your weight loss regime.

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4. High Nutritional Value

One cup that is approximately 164 grams of yellow corn contains only 177 calories and 41 grams of carbohydrates. It has a protein content of 5.4 grams, and the fat content is only 2.1 grams. The fibre content present in corn is up to  4.6 grams. In addition to this, it has 17% of the daily value Vitamin C, 24% of daily value Thiamine or vitamin B1 and 19% of Folate or vitamin B9. The magnesium and potassium content in corn is 11% and 10% of the daily value, respectively.

5. Gluten-free and Moderate in Carbs

Owing to its impressive nutritional profile, many people end up benefiting from eating one whole corn or popped corn as part of their weight-loss diet. Corn is also naturally gluten-free and is safe to eat gluten intolerant people.

Is Sweet Corn Good for Weight Loss?

Sweetcorn is a type of corn that is high in fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins, and even minerals. Here is why it is good for weight loss:

1. Fantastic Probiotics and Gut-friendly

Sweetcorn is an excellent probiotic as it has a lot of gut-friendly bacteria. This type of bacteria aids in good digestion and even facilitates an improved metabolism. This eventually helps in weight loss.

2. Has High Levels of Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals

Additionally, sweet corn has high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A, B, and C, and minerals which, when combined, help maintain good vision, healthy skin, and strengthen mucosa that acts as a membrane or a lining to various cavities in our body. At the same time,  it covers the surface of different internal organs.

3. Gluten-free and High Fibre Content

Furthermore, sweet corn contains healthy amounts of essential minerals like magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. Like regular corn, Sweetcorn is also gluten-free as cereal and is helpful for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. So this insight also answers the curiosity: "is boiled sweet corn good for weight loss?"

4. Acts as a Catalyst to Improve Metabolism

In addition to helping in weight loss, sweetcorn provides all the necessary calories for improving daily metabolism. It is an entirely power-packed savoury food. However, for people monitoring their blood sugar, consuming sweet corn in moderation is suggested to reap its full benefits.

Book an appointment with our Nutritionist/Dieticians to get solutions that can aid your weight loss journey.

Other Health Benefits of Eating Corn

Maize, or corn, makai, or as Indians call it - bhutta, has several nutritional benefits as a food grain. Some health benefits of corn are:

1. High Nutritional Value and Palate Friendly

Due to its high nutritional value and various other uses in the food industry, corn has become one of the most crucial crops in the whole world.

2. High Levels of Phytochemicals

Many are aware of its regular health benefits and weight loss cataclysm. However, very few are aware that corn is an element called Ferulic acid, a unique phytochemical primarily found in grains and even in fruits or vegetables, in significantly fewer amounts. This phytochemical is present in abundance in corn.

3. Becomes More Nutritious on Cooking

When cooked, the levels of Ferulic acid increase in corn, providing numerous health benefits such as the maintenance of high cholestrol levels, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Corn also has beta-carotene and carotenoids that help prevent many oxidative reactions and cancers from occurring in our bodies.

4. Rich in Carbohydrates, an Excellent Source of Energy

Corn is also rich in carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins like phosphorus, potassium, phosphorus, Thiamine, and iron.

5. High Levels of Water-soluble Fibre

Corn has 15 per cent dietary fibre and 9% soluble fibre. This prospect of corn is helpful to relieve constipation, high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

Book an appointment with our Nutritionist/Dieticians to get solutions that can aid your weight loss journey.

Myths About Corn You Should Stop Believing

Myth 1. Corn Is a Highly Genetically Modified Food

Truth: Significantly less percentage of corn grown in the world. It is found to be genetically modified. Most GMO corn is used in processed foods such as breakfast cereals,  corn chips, corn syrup with high fructose, and even corn oil. This category of corn is also used to produce livestock feed and ethanol.

If you're worried, go for government-certified organic varieties of corn. You can ask your vegetable vendors how their corn is cultivated and grown to determine which type you're buying. GMO corn is even banned under specific organic standards.

Myth 2: Corn Leads to Weight Gain

Truth: Now, if you are going to load up that cob of juicy corn with dollops of butter and various other high-calorie toppings, it will show up in the form of extra inches. However, one plain cob of roasted or boiled corn has only about 100 calories, similar to an apple. Additionally, it has almost 3 grams of fibre in every serving. If eaten this way, corn aids in making you feel full for a more extended period. Studies show that high fibre content also improves heart health and overall leads to physical well-being. Corn has a special resistant starch, which is a carbohydrate that is slow-to-digest and it shows a significant boost in weight control.

Myth 3: Corn Loses Its Nutritional Benefits After Being Cooked

Truth: Corn, when cooked, actually has higher health benefits. In a recent study, it has been found that corn loses only a little bit of vitamin C while cooking. However, its antioxidant content significantly increases.

Research also shows that eating antioxidant-rich foods helps lower your heart disease risks and even Alzheimer's disease and other health problems like cataracts. Cooked corn has surprising amounts of ferulic acid, a phytonutrient that fights cancer. The higher the temperature of the corn, the more benefits it shall have.



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