What is Salicylic Acid?
Salicylic Acid, a conjugate acid of a salicylate, is a beta hydroxy acid occurring as a natural compound in plants. It is procured from the bark of the wintergreen leaves and the white willow.
What Makes Salicylic Acid So Great?
Salicylic Acid plays an influential role as an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent, antifungal agent, topical antibacterial agent because of its capability to provide extensive exfoliation.
Salicylic Acid Benefits
Salicylic Acid benefits not just the skin- it’s not only a sought after acne-fighting ingredient but also an effective solution for various hair problems.
1) Salicylic Acid for Skin
Salicylic Acid for skin is an FDA-approved ingredient that is an extensively favoured treatment for acne and acts as an excellent cleanser to control excess oil production. Top benefits of Salicylic Acid for skin include-
1. Treats active acne
2. Weakens acne-causing bacteria
3. Calms inflamed skin
4. Prevents & reduces future breakouts
5. Reduces acne spots and blemishes
6. Controls excess oils from pores
7. Treats blackheads and whiteheads
8. Removes dead skin cells
2) Salicylic Acid for Hair
Salicylic Acid for hair is an excellent dissolving agent that cleanses the scalp and solves various hair care problems. Top benefits of Salicylic Acid for hair include-
1. Treats dandruff
2. Treats oily scalp
3. Excellent scalp cleanser
4. Reduces DHT in head
5. Treats Seborrheic Dermatitis- flaky, itchy scalp
Salicylic Acid Uses
Salicylic Acid as an over-the-counter ingredient can be used in various ways and in different types of products to solve for various skin and hair related problems. Some of the popular Salicylic Acid products include:
1) Salicylic Acid Face Wash
You can introduce a Salicylic Acid Face Wash into your skin care routine. Salicylic acid face wash benefits the skin as it helps:
1. clean excess oil from pores - controls oil production
2. exfoliate dead skin cells- unclogs pores
3. soothe inflamed skin- excellent for acne & psoriasis
4. reduce acne causing bacteria - effective for acne and blemish removal
5. clean pores - prevents future acne

2) Salicylic Acid Gel
You should introduce Salicylic Acid Gel into your skin care routine if you have active acne/ pimples or have blemishes. Salicylic acid gel benefits the skin as it helps:
1. reduce acne/pimples
2. soothe inflammation and redness
3. minimize pores
4. clears blemishes- acne and pimple marks

3) Salicylic Acid Serum
You should introduce Salicylic Acid serum into your skin care routine if you have pimple/acne prone skin. Salicylic Acid serum benefits the skin as it helps:
1. weaken acne causing bacteria - preventing future acne
2. soothe inflammation and redness
3. prevent future acne and pimples over time
4. unclog the pores - preventing dirts to accumulate and cause acne
5. remove dark spots from pimples and acne

4) Salicylic Acid Shampoo
You should introduce Salicylic Acid Shampoo into your hair care routine if you have dandruff and itchy scalp. Salicylic acid shampoo benefits the hair as it helps:
1. cleanse your scalp
2. treat dandruff
3. control oil production in scalp
4. reduce dht in head responsible for hair loss
5. treat dry and flaky scalp
Who Needs Salicylic Acid?
You need Salicylic Acid if you are facing any one or all of the following problems-
1) Excessively Oily Skin and Blackheads
Salicylic Acid for skin helps control sebum production- removing surface build ups, blackheads and excessive oil from the pores.
Best Product(s)- Salicylic Acid Face Wash, Salicylic Acid Serum
2) Active Acne and Pimples
Salicylic Acid for skin weakens acne and pimple causing bacteria, unclogs pores, thus, fighting active acne/pimples and also reducing the possibility of future acne and pimples.
Best Product(s)- Salicylic Acid Face Wash, Salicylic Acid Gel, Salicylic Acid Serum
3) Blemishes (Acne/ Pimple Marks, Dark Spots)
Salicylic Acid for skin helps remove dead skin cells and renew new skin cells. It effectively helps lighten and eventually remove blemishes from acne/ pimple marks.
Best Product(s)- Salicylic Acid Face Wash, Salicylic Acid Gel, Salicylic Acid Serum
4) Hair Dandruff & Itchy Scalp
Salicylic Acid is an excellent anti-fungal, anti-bacterial agent that effectively helps treat dandruff and inflamed itchy scalp.
Best Product(s)- Salicylic Acid Shampoo
5) Oily Scalp
Salicylic acid is a fantastic exfoliant that cleanses the scalp and controls excess oil production, thus curbing oily scalp- another root cause of dandruff.
Best Product(s)- Salicylic Acid Shampoo
Should You Use Salicylic Acid?
Wondering if you should use Salicylic Acid for your face, skin or both? Take a free online doctor consultation with one of our top dermatologists and trichologists today, from the comforts of your home!
1) Is Salicylic Acid good for face?
Yes, Salicylic Acid is excellent for face. It's an over-the-counter ingredient that effectively exfoliates your face, cleaning clogged pores, controlling excess oil production and weakening acne causing bacteria.
If you have acne prone and/or oily skin, you should definitely include Salicylic Acid into your skin care regime.
2) How to use Salicylic Acid on face?
If you are using Salicylic Acid Face Wash, pump out a coin size amount onto your palm, lather it up and massage it on your face in anti-clockwise circular motion for about a min. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
If you are using Salicylic Acid Gel, apply it on your clean and moisturized face on the affected areas twice a day, as the last step to your skin care routine.
If you are using Salicylic Acid Serum on face, apply 3-4 drops of it after your applying face wash and toner ,and before applying any moisturizer or cream onto your face. It can be used AM PM.
3) What does Salicylic Acid do?
Salicylic Acid is a top-notch antibacterial, antifungal agent that acts as an exfoliant for the skin and the hair. Salicylic Acid for the skin helps control excess oil production, clean and unclog the pores, fight acne causing bacteria and reduce blemishes. Salicylic Acid for the face helps cleanse the scalp and also removes dandruff and treats itchiness of the scalp.
4) Does Salicylic Acid Remove Acne Scars?
YES, Salicylic Acid removes acne scars. It acts as a peeling agent removing dead skin cells and helps in the renewal of new skin cells.
You need to use Salicylic Acid as a part of your skin care routine consistently for about at least 4-6 weeks to start seeing visible results.
5) How to use Salicylic Acid for acne?
You can introduce use Salicylic Acid Gel in your skin care routine. Apply it on your clean and moisturized face on the affected areas twice a day, as the last step to your skin care routine.
Furthermore, you can also combine it with Salicylic Acid Face Wash and Salicylic Acid Serum to combat your acne prone skin and even drive away future acne.
Additionally, you can consider taking a free online consultation with one of our top Dermatologists to understand your skin type better and introduce Salicylic Acid products into your skin care regime accordingly.
6) Can I use Salicylic Acid daily?
If you are new to Salicylic Acid, consider using it in moderation. Start using it about 2-3 times a week and then increase the frequency to daily (twice a day), if your skin can handle it without any irritation. In case of direct sun exposure during the day, use it only at night.
If you want to understand your skin health better and know how to introduce Salicylic Acid into your skin care routine, you can take a free online doctor consultation with one of our top dermatologists today.
7) Which face wash has Salicylic Acid?
There are several Salicylic Acid Face Washed out there in the market. You can also consider using Bodywise 1% Salicylic Acid Face Wash- the only BHA used in skin care products. This Face Wash also contains 1% Glycolic Acid (AHA). This AHA BHA face wash helps exfoliate dead skin cells, unclog and tighten pores, clear out acne. Furthermore, it also controls excess sebum production- removing surface build-up, blackheads, and excessive oil from the pores.
8) Can I use Salicylic Acid and Niacinamide together?
Yes, you can use Salicylic Acid with Niacinamide. Niacinamide is a non-irritant which can be paired with actives. Hence, Niacinamide can be used with Salicylic Acid. However, avoid using Salicylic Acid with Retinols or other exfoliants. Side tip, if you have active acne/pimples and/or blemishes, you can use our AHA BHA Acne Clearing Gel. It contains 2% Salicylic Acid (AHA), 1% Glycolic Acid (BHA), 4% Niacinamide. Together, they effectively help clear active acne and also helps remove dark spots and pigmentation.
9) Does Salicylic Acid cause purging?
Yes, using Salicylic Acid may cause skin purging. This is because Salicylic Acid escalates the skin cell turnover rate which causes microcomedones to turn into acne and blemishes/dark spots more quickly. This in turn causes your face to break out suddenly. However, do note that this is not a bad thing because it means that the Salicylic Acid Product is working. It should stop typically in about 4-8 weeks. If your skin doesn't get better in 6-8 weeks, or if you are breaking out in places where you usually don't break out, this could suggest a negative reactive. In that case you should consider discontinuing your Salicylic Acid product(s).
We will advise you to take a free online doctor consultation with one of your top dermatologists to get a more personalized solution for your skin problems, so that you can choose the right products based on your skin type.
10) Can I use Glycolic and Salicylic acids together?
Yes, you can absolutely use Glycolic Acid and Salicylic Acid together. Salicylic Acid (BHA) and Glycolic Acid (BHA) together make excellent exfoliants that help fight acne causing bacteria, unclog pores, remove dead skin cells and clear your skin significantly.
You can considering use Bodywise AHA BHA Face Wash along with AHA BHA Gel if you have an acne prone and/.or oily skin.
If you aren't sure about your skin type or which products would suit your skin the best, you can easily take a free online consultation with one of our top skin specialists from the comforts of your home today.
11) Can I be allergic to Salicylic Acid?
Yes, if you are sensitive to this chemical, you can naturally be allergic to Salicylic Acid. It is advisable to get a skin test done or consider consulting with a skin expert first before introducing Salicylic Acid into your skin care regime. You might even develop allergy from Salicylic Acid due to over exfoliation. Some of the signs to look out for include
- burning, peeling or itchiness
- breakouts in the form of tiny pimples
- inflamed and increased redness of the skin
Even though 1-2% Salicylic Acid products don't cause any extreme skin reactions (unless you have a skin condition), it is always safer and smarter to consult with a dermatologist first, especially if you have a sensitive skin.
12) Is Salicylic Acid bad for hair?
NO, Salicylic Acid is excellent for hair, especially if you have dandruff and itchy scalp. It's a fantastic exfoliant that helps to cleanse the scalp effectively, removing dandruff and itchiness of the scalp.
13) What is the best Salicylic Acid Shampoo?
There are not many Salicylic Acid Shampoos in India. If you have dandruff, inflamed or itchy scalp, you can consider using Bodywise 2% Ketoconazole Dandruff Shampoo with Salicylic Acid. Ketoconazole and Salicylic Acid are the two most powerful ingredients to effectively remove dandruff and solve for itchy scalp efficiently.
14) Can Salicylic Acid remove dandruff?
YES, Salicylic Acid can remove dandruff effectively. It is an excellent antifungal and topical antibacterial agent that acts as an effective exfoliant that not only treats dandruff but also curbs inflamed and itchy scalp. Furthermore, it also cleanses the scalp, and controls excess oil production which is one of the primary reasons for sticky and stubborn dandruff.
You can use Bodywise Salicylic Acid Shampoo with 2% Ketoconazole to drive away dandruff efficiently.