In homoeopathy, plants, minerals, and animal products are used to treat different diseases. Homoeopathic remedies are highly regarded by many.
However, they are not usually regulated. Therefore, it can be challenging to assess their quality and effectiveness for each individual.
Although only a few studies link homoeopathy medicines to weight loss, let's examine some of them in detail and find out if they are effective.
Factors Contribute Towards Weight Gain
1. Diet and lack of physical activity
Obesity in children, teens, adults, and the elderly is largely caused by eating unhealthy fats and not engaging in enough physical activity. Also, several factors contribute to obesity, including overeating and not exercising enough. Throughout the world, people suffer from obesity due to their sedentary lifestyles and consumption of junk food. During this pandemic, people consume much less fresh food, fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods and tend to eat more fatty and sugary products.
2. Genetics
Obesity has a lot to do with genes. If one or both parents are obese, the child will likely suffer from the same condition.

3. Environmental/ psychological factors
A person's emotional state can lead them to eat more junk food to feel better about themselves. Stress, anger, sadness, loneliness, boredom, and other strong emotions may cause people to eat fatty junk food.
4. Certain medications and diseases
Some medications, such as oral contraceptives, trigger rapid weight gain. Other medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), etc., contribute to obesity as well.
5. Hormonal imbalances
In women, hormones are a significant contributor to obesity. During pregnancy and menopause, hormones cause dramatic changes in the body, which lead to weight gain.
Weight Loss Homeopathic Medicine
Here are six homeopathic medicines recommended for losing weight:
1) Calcarea Carbonica (Calc Carb):
It is recommended for overweight individuals with a decreased rate of metabolism and additional fat deposition in the abdominal area. They may experience symptoms like constipation due to slow metabolic rate, excessive sweat on the head, and oversensitivity to cold weather.
Those with thyroid conditions who have gained excess weight are also recommended this therapy.
2) Natrum Phosporicum:
If you gain weight because of acidity, which causes a sour taste in the mouth and sour eructations or belching, Natrum Phosporicum can be the best remedy for you. It acts as a natural antacid and balances the pH of the body. It also relieves the burning sensation in the stomach and indigestion.
3) Lycopodium:
Those who frequently gain weight in the lower body, like the buttocks and thighs, are recommended Lycopodium remedy. It can be because they consume meals beyond capacity, and as a result, get a bloated stomach.
Symptoms like constipation, flatulence, irritability over small issues, bloated abdomen, etc., are common in such people.

4) Fucus Vesiculosus:
Obese people who gained weight due to thyroidism are recommended the Fucus Vesiculosus remedy. It keeps weight in check by maintaining the thyroid hormone level in the body. It also helps treat symptoms like constipation and flatulence and aids a healthy digestive process.
5) Natrum Muriaticum:
Some people gain weight due to depression caused by reasons like heartbreak, grief, inferiority complex, etc. This can cause excessive hunger, cravings for salty food and frequent headaches or migraine attacks. They also tend to gain weight in the lower region of the body, especially in the thighs and buttocks.
Natrum Muriaticum is recommended as a weight loss remedy for such people.
- Phytolacca: This remedy helps with weight loss by
- Improving the digestive system
- Maintaining a normal hunger pattern
- Balancing pH of the body
- Regulating body's metabolic process
Does Homeopathy Treatment for Weight Loss Work?
Homeopathic medicine for obesity contains plants, minerals, and other natural substances. They have proved beneficial for some, whereas others believe these treatments are incompetent. Their effectiveness is still debatable in the medical science world.
Very few scientific and medical research studies have been conducted to determine the potency of homeopathy for weight loss. Two such widely known studies in this area are:
1) The Effect of Nutritional and Homeopathic Treatments Versus Exclusive Nutritional Treatments in Patients with Obesity or Overweight
Conducted in 2014, this study observed the weight loss journey of 30 obese people via homeopathy and nutritional intervention.
- Nutritional intervention, along with homeopathic medicine, resulted in weight loss.
- Nutritional intervention alone showed no difference in weight.
- Homeopathic treatment caused no difference in Body Mass Index (BMI), suggesting that weight loss could be because of the "placebo effect".
2) Homeopathic Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Pregnant Women With Mental Disorders: A Double-blind, Controlled Clinical Trial
This study was conducted in 2016 and focused on weight control during pregnancy with remedies like calcarea carbonate and pulsatilla nigricans.
- Weight gained by pregnant women with placebo and homeopathic remedies was the same.
- Homeopathic treatment caused negative side effects on the foetus.
Sufficient evidence to support the positive result of homeopathic medicine for weight loss are yet not available. Also, they might have side effects that can harm your body.
Dietary regulations with daily exercise are considered the best solution for weight loss. However, if you are willing to go for a homeopathic remedy, consult a doctor before proceeding.
Also Read: Best Homeopathic Medicine for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

Placebo Effect Caveat
The ‘Placebo Effect’ is a phenomenon that induces changes in human metabolism after administering an inactive medicine. In simpler terms, if someone is confident that a medicine would treat their medical condition, then the body may release chemicals that would cause expected results. The medicine (of any form like tablet, pill, syrup, injection, etc.) in this case is known as a placebo.
Placebos (also known as sugar pills) have no medical effect, but still, people taking them experience changes due to a psychological belief. Many researchers argue that homeopathy resulting in weight loss is a placebo effect. It's because there's no scientific evidence proving the viability of homeopathic treatment.
Side Effects Of Using Homeopathic Medicine For Weight Loss
Using homeopathiy medicine for fat loss can cause the following possible side effects:
- Allergic reaction
- Counter-interaction with current medication (if you are taking any)
- Nausea
- Fatal consequences of improperly diluted arsenic and aconite in homeopathic medicine
If your body shows any of the above-mentioned signs or even slight discomfort after taking homeopathic medicine, stop the consumption immediately and discuss with your doctor.
Other Ways to Lose Weight
Diet and exercise are the only proven ways to lose weight.
By reducing your calorie intake or increasing your physical activity, you will be able to lose weight safely.
An average woman needs 1,200 calories per day. The recommended calorie intake for healthy men is 1,500 calories per day.
To lose weight, aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. If you lose weight too quickly, your health may suffer.
See a doctor or a nutritionist if you need help creating a weight loss plan. If you consider adding homoeopathy to your weight loss program, consult your doctor first.
Summing Up on Weight Loss Homeopathic Medicine
You may have heard that homoeopathic remedies can help you lose weight quickly. However, there is no current scientific or medical evidence to support the effectiveness of these treatments.
Consult a doctor or certified nutritionist if you want to lose weight. They can help you create a diet and exercise plan that is safe for your health.